A Message From LEVEL Water's CEO
What's Up LEVEL Family,
When we set out on this mission, in 2013, we aimed to produce premium alkaline water, that represents the community it comes from. Over the course of this journey, we have had much success and have learned many lessons.

One thing we want to always emphasize is that we are always paying attention and listening to you all and your needs. The LEVEL Water Team is constantly working and making adjustments to make sure the brand is growing, but also that we're growing in a way that is sustainable for you. Our team has evaluated our current position in the market, and have set some goals that we would like to share with you.
In the year 2022, we're on track to:
Sell 1,000,000+ bottles of water
Gain 3,000 retailers from Texas to South Carolina
Reduce shipping costs when ordering via levelwaterco.com
We are LEVEL Ultra-Purified Water+, a company with a proud past and a bright future!
On behalf of LEVEL Water, I invite you to explore our website and learn more about what we're doing to further push the brand to be more accessible and a nationally known brand. I am sure you will see why we use the slogan, "Not Just Any Water."
John R. Williamson Jr, Founder and CEO